Evaluation, validation and quantitative assessment of a small-animal computed tomography imaging system for the central implementation of image-guided treatment planning, irradiation and response assessment

Sabine Leitner, Aida Abdel Gelil, Markus Zeilinger, Lukas Zimmermann, Monika Clausen, Dietmar Georg, Barbara Knäusl

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


The establishment of a standardized micro-CT imaging workflow which enables reliable and reproducible results are essential in small-animal irradiation. Image quality and a consistent quantitative micro-CT imaging read-out are central prerequisites for treatment planning, dosimetrical considerations, appropriate immobilization, position verification and treatment response assessment in pre-clinical irradiation research. In line with that the impact of acquisition and reconstruction parameters on the dedicated image-read out, has to be evaluated and optimized. This project aimed at the verification and validation of micro-CT imaging data by means of quantitative evaluation and assessment of Hounsfield units (HU) and image quality and how they are influenced by a set of different acquisition and reconstruction parameters.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 21 Mar 2022
Event5th Conference on small animal precision image-guided radiotherapy: SAPIR - München, München, Germany
Duration: 21 Mar 202223 Mar 2022


Conference5th Conference on small animal precision image-guided radiotherapy
Abbreviated titleSAPIR
Internet address

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