Sustainability-oriented target groups and the effect of the locus of control on their word-of-mouth communication

Martin Pittner, Gerald Kolar

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandKonferenzbeitragpeer-review


Consumers are both receivers and senders of sustainability messages. They can perform their function both as senders in consumer policy discourse, and through proactive sustainable consumption. Sustainability communication, which makes it possible to turn consumers not only into recipients but also into senders of sustainability messages is particularly promising for a change in society. In this form, consumption becomes a political instrument that enforces the normative idea of intra- and intergenerational justice in terms of promoting the conscious consumption of natural resources. The other political instruments are not replaced by strategic consumption, on the contrary, they are supported (Bilharz, 2009). But sustainable consumption cannot replace a system change in ecological economy (Dauvergne & Lister, 2010). Consumers mainly use daily newspapers, above-the-line advertising and personal conversations with friends, acquaintances and relatives as sources of information concerning CSR. The most credible information sources are consumer magazines and test reports, personal conversations with friends, acquaintances and relatives as well as certificates from independent organizations such as Fairtrade. This proves the great value of word of mouth in spreading “green” messages (Mayerhofer et al., 2008). But little is known about the psychological factors that are associated with WOM (Kim et al., 2023).
Lam & Dick (2005) investigated the e!ect of subjects' control beliefs on brand word-of-mouth (WOM). While subjects with general internal locus of control (LOC) were more likely to talk about brands with „out groups” (people with whom they have a weaker relationship), those with general external LOC were more likely to spread their brand messages to „in groups” (close friends/family). People with internal LOC usually have higher education and higher income and tend to talk about brand innovations with “out groups”. Addressing the latter target group would facilitate the di!usion of „green” innovations or messages.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of personality traits such as competence and control beliefs (FKK, Krampen, 1991) on brand word-of-mouth communication (WOM; Lam & Dick, 2005) of in particularly sustainability-oriented consumers. For this purpose, a standardised online survey (n=709) was conducted among Austrian consumers. WOM was surveyed with questions asking for the preferred dissemination of information about new brands and products.

The results demonstrate that the segment of “proactive“ sustainability-oriented consumers with higher levels of internal control conviction show increased WOM communication with both in- and out-groups. However, this e!ect cannot be attested for all environmentally conscious consumers. No significant e!ect of the external control conviction of sustainability-oriented consumers on the WOM communication with
in/out groups could be substantiated. In general, the results of the survey group show that with an increasing sustainable lifestyle and increasing consumption of organic products, the WOM communication with both in-and out-groups also increases significantly.
The study indicates that an increasing level of knowledge and understanding of sustainable consumption seems to enhance the di!usion of green messages to all target groups. The influence of LOC on brand WOM needs further studies. It should be noted that the focus of the study is on Natur*pur, an organic private label of the Austrian food retailer Spar.
Titel21st congress of European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Katowice
UntertitelConference Proceedings
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 27 Mai 2023

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